Appends an AGGREGATION of all the append activities that happened IN BETWEEN that primary activity and the next instance of the primary activity.

Aggregate In Between

Appends an AGGREGATION of all the append activities that happened IN BETWEEN that primary activity and the next instance of the primary activity.

Learn more in video demo

Example: "For each Started Session, append the count (agg) of pages that were viewed after the session started but before the next session started"

Useful when you want to...

  • Enrich your dataset with the COUNT of all viewed pages in between started sessions (total page views per session) (dataset example)
  • Enrich your dataset with the SUM of the revenue in between started subscriptions (revenue from a subscription
  • Enrich your dataset with the COUNT of all events attended in between every Received Invoice (How many events did they attend per active month)
  • Enrich your dataset with the COUNT DISTINCT of all Viewed Product Kind between each session (How many unique product kinds did the user view ) (dataset example)

SQL Query